Social media marketing platform Hootsuite on Thursday announced its latest acquisition: Brightkit, a platform that powers customized
campaigns incorporating contests and sweepstakes on social properties like Facebook, Twitter, Vine and Instagram.
The platform makes available about 13 types of social contests, sweepstakes and galleries to drive leads across microsites, Facebook, mobile devices, and more. The campaigns are integrated into the primary dashboard, so marketers can monitor campaigns or build lists for retargeting.
As Hootsuite continues to sunset the Brightkit brand, the company hopes to provide a smooth transition for customers during the next few months. Hootsuite integrated Brightkit into Campaigns, the new campaign management platform introduced Thursday.
Along with the technology and employees, the acquisition brings Hootsuite 100 key brands like Kentucky Derby, Dwell, Cassidy Turley and American Media.
Hootsuite now supports about 10 million users in more than 175 countries, working with over 1,600 paid enterprise customers and nearly 744 of the Fortune 1000. The combined companies now have 600 employees. New customers include Telekom Malaysia, Singapore Press Holdings, Brooklyn Public Library, Cambridge University Press, Red Carnation Hotels and Hyland Software.
Hootsuite Campaigns announced Thursday creates custom social marketing campaigns and allows businesses to reach new audiences through contests, sweepstakes and galleries, all managed from the dashboard.
The deal marks the third acquisition in the last year for Hootsuite, including its purchase of analytics provider UberVu, after raising a $165 million round last year, and $225 million in venture funding overall.
“We’re seeing explosive growth across all regions,” said Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes, in a blog post today. “Our teams are focused on rolling out a number of new product offerings, have plans to open operations in Latin America and will hire an additional 100+ roles by the end of 2014.”The company has already added 20 employees to its Singapore office, which serves as the hub of Asia-Pacific operations.
Hootsuite declined to comment on estimated 2014 revenue, or revenue growth over 2013.