The latest "Did you Know" ad
Geico features the resurrection of the Ickey Shuffle, made popular by former NFLer Ickey Woods. The ad launched during last week's NFL kickoff game and stars a dentist unaware of
Geico's knack for helping drivers to save on car insurance. When the patient schools his doctor, telling him that everyone knows about Geico, the dentist describes how football legend Ickey Woods will
celebrate almost any event in life -- even buying cold cuts at the supermarket. When Woods' number is called, he screams with excitement and performs his famous shuffle. He also spikes an order of
cold cuts, which is odd, since his number was just called -- unless he spiked some prepackaged deli meat. Food for thought.
Watch it here,
created by
The Martin Agency. In addition, GEICO will be launching IckeyFY.com, a YouTube integration dedicated to celebrating and sharing life's most special moments with videos from
Ickey Woods.