sleeping with the fishes and now there's sleeping with the dogs. Literally. This weekend, ad agency Brunner's Chief Growth Officer Dan Wald (and eight other volunteers) are spending 48 hours in a
Pittsburgh, PA kennel to raise awareness about animal adoption.
While these visitors will not be eating from a bowl, they will live alongside for-adoption shelter animals and adhere to kennel rules, such as enjoying periodic walks and visiting hours.
This "Shelter Pet Sleepover" is part of pro-bono work on behalf of the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society. This is Brunner's first work for the organization and represents one of the agency's passion projects pursued each year.
This particular effort is spearheaded by Wald, who is a long-time volunteer at the shelter. As part of the campaign, each participant has his or her own fundraising page . Already, $1,100 has donated through this site for the organization.
Wald’s doggy bunkmate “Rooney,” a 9-year-old, 64 lb., Staffordshire bull terrier mix, will “Tweet” live about his hard luck getting stuck in a cage
with an ad guy. For each retweet, Brunner will contribute a dollar.
Some of Rooney’s tweets include:
“Oh no. Dan has misinterpreted my desire to play pitch and catch as a desire to hear him prattle about new biz pitches.”
“Fascinating Dan. Tell me more about new biz pitches. Yes I’m listening. About as thrilling as chasing parked cars.”
Sadly, this 48-hour experience will not be live streamed.
So excited my tail is wagging!
You can follow my live tweeting here:
...and donate to the Western PA Humane Society here:
Looking forward to the shelter pet sleepover!
-Rooney BowWow