"Mobile Moments" will feature short stories called “screenplays” created by NYT’s commercial content group, T-Brand.
T-Brand can custom-build a creative or insert something from a brand. The creatives themselves may take the form of a graphic, video, interactive or swipeable series of short stories, depending on the time of day.
“Our solution is threefold: present bigger, better and more dynamic mobile creative; provide context for the mobile creative (where there is no adjacency); and tailor the mobile creative to the readers’ needs,” states New York Times Senior Vice President of Advertising and Innovation Sebastian Tomich.
Mobile Moments is based on research the newspaper did on its mobile app users and the kinds of stories they look for at different times of the day.
For example, a popular feature of the mobile app is the Times’ "Morning Briefing," which gives a quick overview of the news of the day.
“Mobile Moments is the first phase of a long-term mobile native advertising solution that will continue to evolve. Based on the success our newsroom has had with moment-based targeting for its journalism, the commercial side of our organization has adopted similar tools, templates and insights and tailored them to suit our advertisers’ needs,” adds Tomich.