
Atkins Demonstrates Connection Between Television, Search Advertising

Second-screen searchers, those who use their mobile device while watching television, present a huge opportunity for marketers. These consumers don't passively follow a conversation. They lean forward and look for more information and answers to learn and take action.

Data and metrics prove the connection for television ads and search …

2 comments about "Atkins Demonstrates Connection Between Television, Search Advertising".
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  1. Matt Silk from Waterfall, September 30, 2015 at 5:56 p.m.

    "When the Atkins TV commercial aired, wywy's technology synchronized keywords from the TV ad with Google search in real time."

    This sounds like a lot of work.  Why not add a simple text call-to-action and drive people directly to the site and give them a coupon code. Can even add people to a subscription list if you want to do future sales and marketing to your opt-in list. Text ATKINS to 55155

  2. Andreas Schroeter from wywy replied, October 1, 2015 at 3:14 a.m.

    Your suggestion is a valid option, similar to displaying the URL where they can get the offer. That said, many viewers just turn to Google search instead of going to the website - for whatever reason. A recent IAB study found that 37% of viewers looked up product information online after seeing a TV ad (source:

    The idea of syncing TV and paid search is to have all potential ways of people interacting with the TV ad covered, be it search, the website, or even texting. 

    Google just published some results on how TV influences the number of searches based on a Nest TV campaign:

    And finally, it's not really a lot of work as the entire synchronization is done automatically once you set up the campaign. Here's a video that explains the entire process:

    Hope that helps.

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