Major Publishers Adopt STAQ's New Automated Programmatic Management Platform

STAQ is closing deals with big names in the publishing industry. The automated digital advertising, analytics and operations company says it is experiencing growing success with its new programmatic management platform.

Gawker Media, Warner Bros, Meredith Digital,, among others, have signed on as partners.

The new automated platform connects ad servers with 225 integrated programmatic vendors and exchanges under STAQ management.

“Our growth speaks to the fact that despite the rise of programmatic and full stack offerings, everyone in the industry is still held to a disorienting amount of vendor platforms and systems that they need to use on a day-to-day basis,” James Curran, CEO and co-founder of STAQ, told Real-Time Daily.

Curran claims the platform enables its partners “to create custom automated processes across the ad tech stack.” Moving one piece of data from one system to another can be done “quickly and efficiently.”

STAQ says its platform collects and unifies line item and performance data from a wide variety of integrated advertising technologies. The goal is to give digital advertisers more control over data.

“The landscape explosion is the big bang; we don’t think it’s going away anytime soon,” Curran said. “As new mediums like native [advertising] come about, there will only be more systems. No one full stack offering can keep up with the amount of mediums that will come out over the years. So we’ve created a systems integrator solution.”
1 comment about "Major Publishers Adopt STAQ's New Automated Programmatic Management Platform".
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  1. Henry Blaufox from Dragon360, October 14, 2015 at 4:38 p.m.

    The multiple vendor integration that enables end users to select among myriad ad tech solutions, and manage them from one central point, is much needed. Without  a swift, smooth and flexible workflow, advetisers and publishers have to either settle for a limited set of products based on what they think is best for them in enough instances, or or live with what might be described as organized chaos.

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