Hefty Takes Out The 'Trash': Political Ads On CNN And Other Channels

Hefty and its agency Havas Chicago are helping online consumers avoid politics after seeing research that finds 80% of people are frustrated by the increasingly negative tone of political ads.

At 6:00 a.m. on Nov. 3, the Reynolds Consumer Products-owned brand is taking over all banners on CNN’s homepage. The brand will replace potential political ads with a simple static image, such as: This political ad has been trashed thanks to Hefty.

On YouTube, Hefty will purchase six-second, static pre-roll ads that also proclaim: “This political ad has been trashed thanks to Hefty.” These ads will be served based on keyword searches or contextual targeting around political issues.  

Then through Election Day, Nov. 8, Hefty will buy ad space on Fox News, AOL and The Huffington Post Politics page.



The pre-roll campaign, which also runs through Election Day, will geo-target those who live in key swing states or a state identified by Ad Age to be where the Trump and Clinton campaigns are spending the most advertising dollars -- specifically Florida, Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina.

This campaign follows this summer's initiative that reintroduced the iconic ""Hefty Hefty Hefty" slogan with new spokesperson WWE's John Cena.

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