Finish Your Diploma Campaign From Ad Council, McKinney

The Ad Council and McKinney are launching new PSAs for the “Finish Your Diploma” campaign, timed to the beginning of the year when many free adult education classes are available.

The campaign features heartwarming stories that extend the “Nobody Gets a Diploma Alone” message that debuted last year. The spots highlight that adult learners have more support than they might imagine from their family, friends and teachers. Whether it’s helping them study for a test, taking on extra household errands, or driving them to class, these small acts of generosity can make all the difference to a student on their journey to earning their high school diploma.

Have a look at some of stories included in the campaign: Carissa, Marco and Nia



Spots can also be seen via the Finish Your Diploma Facebook channel—with comments that punctuate the emotional and personal resonance of the issue. Since 2010 the campaign has helped connect more than 1 million men and women in all 50 states with free adult education classes to prepare for a high school equivalency test.

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