Paramount Offers Free 'Mean Girls' On TikTok, In 23 Clips

Paramount marked Oct. 3— aka “Mean Girls Day” — by making the cult teen movie available free on TikTok account, in 23 clips. 

Oct. 3 became known as Mean Girls Day because of a scene in the flick in which Cady Heron, played by Lindsay Lohan, is asked by her crush, Aaron Samuels/actor Jonathan Bennett, what day it is, and Heron informs him it’s Oct. 3. 

The Mean Girls TikTok account was actually launched on Sept. 14, to promote the availability of the 2004 movie on DVD, Blu-ray and digital — and the new clips promotion includes a link to retailers where the title can be purchased in those formats. 

The promotions on TikTok also come just a few months before Paramount is set to release a musical movie version of “Mean Girls,” based on the Tony-nominated Broadway adaption.   



The original movie, which was among the films removed from Netflix in September, is also now on Paramount+ (as well as free to watch on YouTube with ads). 

Tina Fey, who wrote and starred in the original movie and wrote the book for the Broadway musical, will reprise her math-teacher character in the musical movie version — which was originally to debut on Paramount+, but is now set for wide release in movie theaters on Jan. 12. 

Paramount made a similar switch in strategy last year with “Smile,” which ultimately earned about $217 million at the box office, and inspired a sequel set to debut next October. 

As of late Tuesday, the TikTok Mean Girls account — with a profile featuring one of the movie’s most-repeated lines, “Get in loser, we’re going shopping” — had nearly 50,000 followers, and some of the movie clips had already been played 150,000 times or more. 

Which would seem to make it highly likely that we’ll be seeing more feature films dissected into many parts for viewing on the hugely popular short-video platform.

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