
Hoping For A Classic Oscar Surprise As Awards Show Nears

Three great moments tower above the rest in the TV Blog’s coverage of the Academy Awards over the last nine years.

Will we be treated to anything like them next Sunday on ABC when "The 96th Oscars" draws the attention of the world? We can only hope.

And on a more business-like note: Can the Oscars continue its mini winning streak of domestic audience increases? 

From the lowest-rated televised Oscars in history -- 10.4 million in 2021 -- the show grew to 16.6 million in 2022 and 18.7 million in 2023.

In the old days, sales and programming execs in both TV and radio used to look at the ratings and boil them down to a single question: “Can we get a rate for it?” The Oscars certainly do. Commercials reportedly went for $2.1 million a pop last year.



People sometimes disagree about the moments about to be singled out by the TV Blog as all-time Oscar highlights for several reasons.

Some do not like it when columnists and others emphasize mistakes, flubs and misbehaviors over the elation and excitement of the winners as they enjoy the greatest moments of their lives -- winning Academy Awards.

Having said that, it is also undeniable that the out-of-the-blue moments nobody ever expected in a million years are what get talked about, often more than who won or lost.

In 2017, it was Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty -- Bonnie and Clyde, respectively -- flubbing the Best Picture announcement at the grand finale. 

They said it was “La La Land,” but it was really “Moonlight.” This was a jaw-dropper for the history books.

In 2020, it was Joaquin Phoenix’s one-for-the-ages acceptance speech in which he thanked no one, but decried the human race’s treatment of cows. For the record, he won a richly deserved Best Actor Oscar for “The Joker” that year.

In 2022, it was Will Smith’s sensational, heart-stopping, totally unrehearsed assault of host Chris Rock onstage before a worldwide audience of hundreds of millions (or so everybody associated with the Oscars insists every year).

Few would deny that this was a riveting moment, and it supplanted all other awards news as the top headline from that year’s Oscar show. 

But at the same time, it was a very ugly, shocking incident that detracted from the rest of the show, which was especially unfair to the evening’s winners, who then took a back seat to Smith’s slap heard ’round the world.

What else to look for? One thing of interest to many is the way these gazillionaire stars and celebrities use their acceptance-speech time to hector the rest of us on the issues of the day -- wars, racism, gender, immigration, Donald Trump and more.

This is something I pay attention to because year after year, you hear the same thing, that the holier-than-thou speechifying from La La Land is a huge turn-off for many -- except, of course, Joaquin Phoenix’s moo-ving and impassioned advocacy for the well-being of cows.

1 comment about "Hoping For A Classic Oscar Surprise As Awards Show Nears".
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  1. Thomas Siebert from BENEVOLENT PROPAGANDA, March 4, 2024 at 10:10 a.m.

    Hollywood is, and has always been, a town of manipulative magicians where occult practices are the norm, not the exception. This can cause souls to get swept up in events beyond their control. Both 2017 and 2022's Academy Awards events were occult rituals that I'm not even sure the participants themselves were aware they were part of until it was over. 

    2017 signified the final death blow to the 1960s New Hollywood movement, which brought Auteur Theory to the fore and empowered directors over studios. The once-beautiful stars of Arthur Penn's 1967 paradigm-shifting violent crime film BONNIE & CLYDE were publicly humiliated, then supplanted by the conquest of the so-called "Lavender Mafia" (Oscar-winning producer Bruce Cohen's words, not mine) and "diversity" priorities rooted in race and sexual preference. This occult faction still rules The Town, though its grip appears to be wavering. 

    2022 was supposed to be about the Triumph of the "Will" [Smith] over the [Chris] "Rock." But it didn't play out as planned, and we are witnessing the domino fallout from that debacle to this day. In a good way. I think. I hope. 

    RECOMMENDED READING: "Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film," by Jay Dyer. It doesn't cover either of those events directly, but will provide a good foundation for seeing through the choreographed cinematic rituals that play out before the muggles & fools, and perhaps keep you from being one of them. 

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