Falling In Love With Clean-Tech Marketing, Warts And All
    In his "New York Times" opinion piece, "Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts," Jonathan Franzen describes his return to loving the environment as a consequence of loving a part of the environment: birds. "... now those threatened forests and wetlands and oceans weren't just pretty scenes for me to enjoy. They were the home of animals I loved." Indeed, we need a personal connection to truly love something, and when we love, we become less interested in what's in it for us. Funny how that works.
    Green Belief
    There is a public water spring near my home in the rolling hills of Qubec. The village of Wakefield, where the spring resides, is the bohemian hub of the region. It's a place where you encounter all sorts of people: hunters, hippies, yuppies, truckers, farmers, dentists, emissaries, hockey players, commuters and grandparents. Advertisements are occasionally posted on the walls of the spring's enclosure: daycare; butter chicken poutine; and - of course -- Save Our Spring (SOS) protest announcements, as the industrialized world extends its tendrils ever closer to the quiet hamlet.
    If A Tree Is Recycled In A Forest And No One 'Likes' It On Facebook ...
    I’d like to modify the philosophical query, “if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” to ask: if a tree is recycled in a forest and no one ‘Likes’ it on Facebook, does anyone care? This week, pollster firm Harris Interactive released the findings from the 13th annual Reputation Quotient study, which is described as measuring and ranking the reputations of the 60 most visible companies in the United States. It’s an interesting evaluation of corporate reputation, not only for the findings it produces, but additionally for …
    The Outdoor Industry's Social Responsibility
    Outdoor industry companies rely on a green world to keep their products relevant. They employ a wide spectrum of green marketing ranging from subtle messages that connect the company with environmental organizations important to their consumers, to programs, reports and advertising that demonstrate the authenticity of their environmental conscience.
    Never Too Late: 10 New Year's Resolutions
    1. Exercise more Find ways to connect senior management to products, and products to people. Get the CEO to walk the talk with employees and customers by taking your sustainability message into the community. At the very least, corporate leadership will gain a better understanding of the barriers you face when trying to sell stuff.
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