Treat Marketing As An Asset To Extract Its Value
    Too often, marketing is generalized as an expense and is usually one of the first line items cut by companies when they are facing difficulties and tightening budgets.
    Hispanic Health And Beauty Brands Go Mainstream
    Slowly, we're starting to see these products emerge in unconventional places with unexpected results without the help of expensive digital marketing campaigns.
    Brands Must Rethink In-Store Marketing As Consumers Shop in New Ways
    As branding opportunities in-store get stripped away, brands must turn to sensory and experiential alternatives to ensure their product is top of consumers' minds while shopping.
    MLB's 2020 'Field of Dreams' Game Is Great Sports Marketing
    Holding a game on the actual "Field of Dreams" farm site in Iowa immortalized in the movie checks the box for both creativity and broader cultural relevance,
    5 Mistakes Marketers Make When Choosing A Logo
    For example, don't choose colors based on personal preferences, or pick a too-trendy look that will get quickly outdated.
    Why Brands Should Move Away From Total Market Mindset
    Remarkably few brands seem to fully understand the total market approach, instead using it as a justification for underspending on ads for multicultural audiences.
    Marketing Travel When There's Too Much Demand
    Many travel companies are dealing with the dilemma in sensible way by steering travelers to other destinations and encouraging travel in the off season.
    Which Industries Gain The Most From Improved CX?
    Airlines and wireless service providers will gain most by improving poor experiences rather than refining good experiences.
    Teen Relationships Go Virtual
    According to a recent article in 'The Wall Street Journal,' online relationships among teens are fast becoming the "new normal."
    Netflix Hits For Latinx Millennials
    Latinx millennials are spending 34% of their streaming time on Netflix -- more than any other millennial group -- according to a recent report.
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