• The Medium Is The Synthesis
    Add advertising execs to the list of people responsible for the proliferation of AI-generated content, because in the end, they're the ones paying for it.
  • Masters Of The Fine Art Of Programmatic Exploitation
    Blue-chip advertisers spend $13 billion annually funding "MFAs" (made-for-advertising websites) publishing fake news, conspiracy theories and other unsavory content, according to a new ANA report on the $88 billion programmatic marketplace.
  • It's A Consumer-Generated Ad Universe
    UGC now accounts for more than a quarter of all ad spending -- up from less than 10% just six years ago, according to a unique new analysis from GroupM.
  • Why Marketing Effectiveness Continues To Erode
    While economics and market fragmentation are big factors, it also has a lot to do with the KPIs marketers use to benchmark business outcomes.
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