• Victoria's Secret Models Don't Pull Weight Like A Certain Sled- Pulling Red-Nosed Animal
    Quick quiz: -- what gets the most viewers, sexy or family TV programs? You're wrong -- at least for the first week in December. Tuesday night CBS ran the animated classic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Its ratings beat those for "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show," which ran on CBS two hours later, by almost 7 million viewers (14.3 million to 7.4 million viewers).
  • NBC's Brand Entertainment Ducks Now In Order, With 'Celebrity Apprentice' On Shooting Range
    The only question for NBC about the new revenue-sharing deal with "Celebrity Apprentice" is: What took you so long? For a long time, Mark Burnett Productions has been virtually the only producer making any real money on branded entertainment when it comes to a prime-time network show -- because it retained all branded entertainment rights in "The Apprentice"....
  • CBS News Doesn't Want Old Guys Watching -- Or Maybe Anchoring
    Sixty-year-old men need not apply for being a Katie Couric fan -- because CBS doesn't want them. We understand. We understand all that old-time research says older demographics don't change their lifelong brand loyalties. To advertisers, that means it's a waste of money in targeting these "playing-the-back-nine" men since they are not going to change their minds about anything.
  • NBC's Marketing Model: One Night At A Time
    Networks never really like to brand themselves seven days a week -- but one day might do. Any number of marketing themes might work: "Wondering Wednesdays," "Thumping Thursdays," or "Suck-up Saturdays." It's hard to get viewers to commit fully every night of the week to a network. But one night? Maybe.
  • Writers And Networks: Internet Dollars With Less Sense
    Striking TV writers now have some other numbers to crunch -- and no, it's not the billion or so they say each of the networks currently make from the Internet. It's a better estimate of just how much advertising money they make from the streaming of network shows on the Internet. Starcom USA says the four networks will pull in around $120 million this year from advertising dollars from the Internet streaming of TV shows.
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