• Beck Beckons Back To TV -- But What About Advertisers?
    Many Internet entrepreneurs love the idea that consumers can pay for the exact content they want without dealing with the vagaries of advertising. But after a while these same business professionals think, "Wait. Maybe I can monetize a little more."
  • CBS' Later Sunday Night Starting Times: Can It Be An Opportunity?
    Messy prime-time schedules can follow Sunday afternoon NFL games, especially doubleheaders. Sunday prime time runs from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Eastern and Western time zones -- and one hour earlier in Central and Mountain time. CBS, long-plagued by NFL overruns lin the Eastern and Central zone, has decided to make things easier by shifting everything a half-hour later -- which should take care of almost all long-ish games.
  • Playing 'Moneyball': Can Leno's 'Tonight Show' Use Billy Beane?
    My only question about Jay Leno's 50% cut in salary: Will the jokes be half as funny and will advertisers still crack a smile -- and their wallets?
  • Social Media And TV Viewership: Where's The Valued Intersection Now?
    Place a value on this: viewers of MTV's "Video Music Awards" last Thursday posted three times more social media messages than a year earlier --19.2 million versus 5.6 million, according to Trendrr. But the show's actual viewers fell by half - from 12.4 million to 6.1 million, according to Nielsen.
  • Cable Companies Want Promos To Be Heard - At Full Volume
    Hear this: TV promos are not regular TV advertising. At least, that's what cable program distributors like Comcast Corp. believe. The issue is those way-too-loud commercial messages the TV industry and advertisers have been wrangling over for the last several months. The sound in those ads must be turned down starting in December, according to new FCC rules. But cable distributors are looking for an exemption for promos of individual shows and networks. Promos, they say, are not really advertising.
  • Political Revenues Bring Stations Joy And Happiness, Maybe
    It's September, and the real push for political advertising is about to start. Estimates are that 75% of all political spending goes into the last seven to eight weeks of any political race. And, of course, we have a big one sitting out there.
  • Cycling Through Sports, Drugs And TV Viewership
    One question about Lance Armstrong and the apparent dethroning of his seven Tour de France titles: Should we still watch cycling on TV -- or, for that matter, any sport that seemingly requires a lot of effort? Better still, should we believe or engage with those athletes who tout products or services through TV sponsorship? Or would we rather not know?
  • Still Waiting For The Latest TV Set Technology -- While Loving My IPad
    Some people are part of the 99%. I'm proud that I'm part of the 31% -- those who don't have at least one HD TV set. Crazy, you say, in this world of crisper, clearer and bigger TV screens all at decreasingly cheaper pricing? Why jump, I say. Better to stretch the lifespan of consumer electronic devices until they cry uncle -- despite some droll remarks from my wife seeking clearer, warts and all, skin-quality reception for her "Drop Dead Diva," "The Good Wife" and "So You Think You Can Dance" programs.
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