• Is YouTube Becoming More Like Facebook?
    Before the Facebook IPO, a former-entrepreneur-turned-VC told me that Facebook was caught between a rock and a hard place, because its massive size was proving to be a double-edged sword: "How can it possibly ever increase revenues to match its user base?"
  • Unconventional: Did TV Coverage Turn Political Conventions From News to Scripted Series?
    As the 2012 political conventions come to a close, we thought we'd look back 60 years, to the 1952 conventions -- the first time the conventions were telecast to a national audience. Television was in its infancy, the United States was in the midst of the Cold War era, McCarthyism and anti-Communism were on everyone's minds, and incumbent President Harry S. Truman had decided not to run. Absent in 1952 were the hundreds of consultants, lighting designers, focus groups, stylists, and other modern-day staples of the political process. Here are some of our Archive of American Television interviewees speaking about …
  • Video Integration: What TV Networks Don't Realize They're Teaching Us
    This summer, eMarketer published an interesting report on the integration of brand advertising across online video and television. They highlighted five factors that are impeding progress toward integration, which unsurprisingly, have come from TV's biggest players: cable companies, and broadcast and cable networks. Many of these companies have been using tactics such as data caps (to slow the growth of online video consumption) and authentication protocols (to stop cord-cutters from getting TV content online). Many do not sell TV and digital advertising as an integrated package. Because cable companies and TV networks believe that it's more profitable to maintain the …
  • Red States? Blue States? They Should All Be Video States
    Regardless of your political position, the race for the White House is really just starting to heat up. Both candidates and their parties have war chests of campaign funds already raised and are looking to spend in the most effective way possible. This influx of advertising should be a boon for the digital video space, namely Web publishers. But there's a big problem: inventory.
  • Separating Hype From Reality In Online Video
    This Labor Day weekend, I went back and also looked at some of the predictions my peers and I had made for 2012, as well as 12 things that I suggested wouldn't be happening this year. Not surprisingly, the predictions my peers and I made could be summarized as "hopefully this year the reason why I started/run my company will become true." I guess that's normal -- we're either biased or naively optimistic, otherwise we would be literally insane, doing the same thing but expecting different results.
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