
Rev The Engines: Bing Video Pulls In Hulu And YouTube

bing video

Microsoft unveiled Bing Video. The site, a relaunch of MSN Video, pulls in content from Hulu and YouTube. The site features news, entertainment shows, sports, music, comedy and clips and trailers from movies.

Adam Sohn, director of Bing at Microsoft, says that when a consumer conducts a search on Bing for a video, Bing Videos takes them directly to results that allows them to watch the video right on Bing. In addition, customers will also be able to access Bing Videos via and throughout the MSN network.

Microsoft added a "dim the lights" feature that darkens the area surrounding the video; a share option now lets people send the videos to friends and family. "Most recent" and "Most popular" sort features are available, too.

The Music section, for example, offers a "Queue" feature that lets people line up the tunes or interviews they want to hear from artists, such as Leona Lewis, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and Taylor Swift. The music section is segmented into Pop, Rock, Alternative, Country, among other genres.

Search engines and social networks recognize the importance of visual content, and have begun to pay more attention to options. Some of the sites search across the Web to pull video content onto the site, while others support new content.

It's not clear if Microsoft will develop an advertising model for the searchable videos, considering the content pulls from other sites, such as Hulu and YouTube. But sources tell me it's possible for the content providers to gain revenue if they add the ads to the video before they upload them to the hosted sites.

On Tuesday Digg launched a video TV service it calls DiggTV, a one-stop destination for all Digg shows, including Diggnation, The Digg Reel and Digg Dialogg.

1 comment about "Rev The Engines: Bing Video Pulls In Hulu And YouTube".
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  1. Brian Fluhr, November 11, 2009 at 4:26 p.m.

    Bing Video demonstrates another source for further expanding the reach of online video. More reason that every business should be leveraging online video as part of their marketing mix.

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