QR codes seem to be everywhere now, but
Taco Bell’s new variation is bound to stand out in the crowd.
For a national print campaign promoting its new Cantina Bell Menu, the QSR and agency Draftfcb Orange County arranged real avocados and lemons to form functional 2-D barcodes.
The two eye-catching images will appear in leading U.S. magazines, reports InternetRetailer. The code takes up most of each ad page.
The codes visually drive home the fresh and healthy nature of the Cantina Bell menu items, which are made from ingredients such as guacamole made with Hass avocados and whole black beans.
The code, which can be scanned using any QR code reader app, connects the user to a mobile-optimized landing page featuring descriptions and nutritional information on each of the items on the new menu, recipe ideas from celebrity chefs, and videos featuring the menu’s main chef, Lorena Garcia—as well as a video on the making of the unusual bar code.
Social media sharing functions (including Twitter voting) and a restaurant locator are also offered.
To create and implement the code, Taco Bell worked with barcode technology/services provider ScanLife.
This is definitely one of the most creative i have ever seen. I had recently documented 20 of the most creative around http://hub.me/adFQv but this almost tops those.
In addition to Write She Said's link, here's one for the CNN 23 Coolest QR Codes.
What will be more interesting to me is how scan-able the code is once it's in print. Sometimes these fancier codes loose their contrast when printed and some scanners can't read them or the code simply will not work. We saw this with this Henry Gill fail: http://mobilemarketingfail.com/2011/08/31/henrygills-qr-fails-in-the-wild-blue-yonder/