
Companies Still Lack Content Marketing Skills


There is still opportunity for companies to improve their content marketing strategies to drive deeper engagement with customers, according to a multi-industry survey undertaken by IMN.

The survey revealed that while content marketing is important to businesses across industries (including automotive, direct selling, franchise, financial services and insurance), companies still have inroads to make.

Regardless of industry, finding and sourcing relevant content and internal resource constraints were the top two roadblocks to successful content marketing programs.

The credit union (33%) and direct selling (31%) sectors had the highest number of respondents replying that their organizations have a formal content marketing strategy in place.

The financial services (75%), insurance (50%) and software (50%) industries are the most advanced when it comes to having separate content marketing strategies for each channel. The automotive (14%) and banking sectors (14%) were the least likely to have separate strategies in place.

Financial services (50%), insurance (50%), software (50%) and banking (43%) industries had the highest percentages responding that they do have content marketing editorial calendars in place.

The insurance (50%), credit union (33%), financial services (33%), banking (29%) and automotive (19%) sectors are concerned about the regulatory compliance of the content they distribute.

According to the results, 78% of respondents indicated that content marketing was either a medium or a high priority, while 52% did not have a separate content marketing strategy in place for each channel it distributes content through. A full 32% of respondents had a content marketing calendar in place to track the topics that would be covered, when and by whom.

Across industries, Web sites, newsletters and social media consistently ranked as the most effective content marketing vehicles, except for the financial services and software sectors, which did not list social media at all (email campaigns completed each of their top three).  Also, respondents from the insurance industry ranked video higher than social media.

Open-rate metrics for email blasts is the most popular form of content marketing program measurement for the automotive, banking, financial services and insurance industries. For franchises, software firms and direct selling organizations, the number of incoming leads was most popular. Revenue increases were the most frequent type of measurement used by credit unions.

5 comments about "Companies Still Lack Content Marketing Skills".
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  1. Kolawole Godwin Lambo from kolambo investment company, December 20, 2012 at 1:40 p.m.


  2. Yaniv Ben Porat from Itweetlive, December 25, 2012 at 10:52 a.m.

    Very Good...newsletters and social media consistently ranked as the most effective content marketing vehicles

    Read more about our twitter tool

  3. Deanna Layton from Layton Squared, December 27, 2012 at 10:10 a.m.

    Tanya, would you mind sharing the link to the IMN study you mentioned? I'd appreciate it, thanks!

  4. Carol Marak from Carebuzz, December 27, 2012 at 12:42 p.m.

    Ditto to Deanna's comment. I'd like the link to the IMN study too!



  5. Susan Tull from BlueHornet Networks, December 27, 2012 at 12:52 p.m.

    Great, info, Tanya; thanks. I would also like to see the primary research.

    Re: the point that having a separate content strategy for each channel is the most advanced way to do things, my teams are taking a slightly different approach for 2013.

    We are developing separate strategies based on content topics (vs channels/vehicles): So topic x might be distributed across channels a, b, and c, for two weeks, while topic y goes out via channels a, b, d, and f over the course of an entire quarter. In effect, we're taking a campaign approach to content marketing.

    This represents a higher level of advancement for us. And because our audience engages with us across multiple channels, we believe the approach will result in better relevance and content alignment.

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