NEW! Brooke Shields, Constantine Maroulis, Ham It Up In La-Z-Boy's 'As The Room Turns'

Brooke Shields and Constantine Maroulis successfully turn up the cheese factor in "As the Room Turns," a soap opera parody for La-Z-Boy. Playing off the outlandish story lines typically found in soap operas, Shields and Maroulis play a husband and wife with big drama and stylish furniture. Fresh off a face transplant, Maroulis surprises his wife, who is sitting on a new, La-Z-Boy sofa. Maroulis scoffs at Shields when she tells him the sofa is La-Z-Boy; she attempts to slap him and he grabs her wrist. She tries to slap him again and the other wrist is grabbed. "Touch my new face with your mouth," says Maroulis. See it here, created by RPA and directed by Fred Savage.



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