Bit-O-Honey Candy Rebrands To Attract Younger Demos

Bit-O-Honey is a nearly 100-year-old candy bar. And it’s getting a makeover.

Spangler Candy Company, which recently acquired Bit-O-Honey, hired Young & Laramore to rebrand and reposition the brand.

Bit-O-Honey first appeared in 1924, made by the Schutter-Johnson Co. of Chicago and has gone through several owners since then. It contains less than 2% honey, hence the name.

At issue was the brand's demographics. The candy was repositioned for a younger, health-conscious target, which can find the candy on grocery shelves nationwide.

The new packaging retains the brand’s bee, but with a new look, coupled with a line of dialogue. The brand’s name is bigger and bolder and heightened colors, a butterscotch yellow and orange, add to the visual punch. The candy’s flavor, roasted almonds covered in a smooth honey drizzle, still delivers a taffy texture and sweet but not too sugary taste.



“This new look brings Bit-O-Honey into the world of modern candy, while also paying homage to the classic branding,” said Trevor Williams, executive creative director, Young & Laramore.

The candy bar takes time to chew, which is why older ad slogans highlighted “every bit of Bit-O-Honey goes a long way.”

“This relaunch puts Bit-O-Honey in a great position to rise in popularity and gain a new relevance in pop culture,” said Evan Brock, director of marketing, Spangler Candy.

The Indianapolis-based Y&L clients include Hotel Tango Distillery, Gainbridge, Rust-Oleum, Brizo and American Standard.

1 comment about "Bit-O-Honey Candy Rebrands To Attract Younger Demos".
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  1. Dan Wald from WordsbyWald, July 19, 2023 at 9:32 a.m.

    When you show a brand refresh it would be very helpful to show the before and after for context. Otherwise such an article loses much of it's meaning.

    Thank you.

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