• Daily Essentials: Athletic Greens Takes the Narrow-Branding Path
    The DTC growth playbook typically is about product development. From mattresses to sustainable sneakers, gourmet pet food to hyper-comfy socks, the formula is familiar: start with an attention-grabbing offbeat or artisanal take on a familiar category, and then expand the portfolio to "own" a whole category. Former mattress makers are now "sleep brands," with catalogs of linen, pillows, beds. Find new ways to up- and cross-sell a diversifying product mix to your core loyalists and create new entry points for new customers. Rinse and repeat. Athletic Greens is notably different, in that focusing on a single product, its AG1 nutritional …
  • Genentech's Culture Shift: Rethinking DTC
    What do "direct" let alone "consumer" even mean when you are talking across health care providers, oncologists, MS and cancer patients, their worried families? As Erica Taylor, CMO at biotech firm Genentech recognizes, you need to rethink what those terms mean in different contexts.
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