
Macy's Kicks Off Million-Dollar Makeover Search

Clinton Kelly for Macy'sMacy's is looking for eight people who need more than a new haircut or whiter teeth: The retailer is launching a Million Dollar Makeover, which will shower the "befores" with products, services, cash and experiences.

Describing it as a "makeover on steroids," the Cincinnati-based retailer will seek nominations through its Facebook page, with finalists decided by Facebook voting. The winner will get a total reinvention from Clinton Kelly, Macy's style expert and co-host of TLC's "What Not to Wear." Eight winners will get a total makeover, which will be filmed and posted to for open voting, two per week. Winning entries advance to the semifinals, with a $1 million ultimate makeover winner scheduled to be chosen in April.

"The winner will not only get some quality time with me to update their look, but will get a truly life-changing experience," the fashion guru says in the chain's release. "From fashion to finance to fitness, one lucky person will undergo a complete life transformation."



The store says the effort is an attempt to boost its brand positioning as the store that helps people put it all together, "from their fashion to their homes to their lives," Martine Reardon, EVP/ marketing, says in the release. "This will be the ultimate experience, taking Macy's signature makeovers to the next level."

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