• AOL & Programmatic TV
    Programmatic TV will definitely play a part in AOL's future, according to Marta Martinez, SVP, AOL Advertising. Martinez was interviewed at length by Real-Time Daily's editor Tobi Elkin for a post that was published previously in RTBlog. Here are the relevant parts of the Q&A:
  • Programmatic TV: Marrying Before You Date (A Possible New Standard)?
    Since mid-2015, there have been a plethora of organizations and individuals calling for all media peoples associated with the programmatic TV realm to create standards as befits a proper media vertical. I'm all for evolving our programmatic TV universe whether scrutiny is focused on any or all of its components. My concern is that we, as well-intentioned conspirators, spend too much time formalizing that which is still in its primordial testing phase. The perspiration that goes into the articulation of perceived value propositions could easily, in my opinion, be re-diverted to actual in-market trials where the participants share with its …
  • Programmatic TV: The Score
    To date, all television inventory represented in programmatic TV proposals is opaqued. A proposal delineates TV networks and impressions by network, but not impressions by program or daypart for the individual networks represented in the proposal. It is extremely difficult to vivisect.
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