Keeping Event Attendees Engaged With Your Brand
    If you're like me, you're in need of a vacation after SXSW in Austin. Attendees are met with full sensory overload from the moment they arrive in town. People and brands with a typically large reach and influence can get lost when thrown into a sea filled with influencers.
    Marketing Documentaries Today: Two Radically Different Takes On A Reel Challenge
    Can documentary filmmakers rely on their film's subject matter to be its main marketing machine? That's the plan for Tamar Halpern and Christopher Quilty, co-directors and co-producers of "Llyn Foulkes: One Man Band," a feature-length documentary about "an artist battling his own demons as well as the perceived demons of the art world."
    Will Digital Media Properties Dominate Licensing?
    Traditionally, strong entertainment properties come from comic books, movies and television. They've helped to shape popular culture, and pop culture in turn, has shaped them to remain relevant. But with new phenomena like "Angry Birds," will digital media properties dominate?
    I Feel The Need For Speed! Advertising At Mach Speed
    "Top Gun" just celebrated its 25th anniversary. (I officially feel #old). To celebrate this classic movie from the '80's, I went and saw it in IMAX 3D with 10 friends. A few things struck me. First, the dialog is still pretty damn good. Second, there are really only about three songs in the entire movie - as an adult I now feel slightly suckered from my youth. And we can learn a bit from Maverick and Goose's need for speed and data about MiGs.
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