4 Ways To Innovate Your Marketing To Keep Consumers Interested
    Compared to simpler days, entertainment marketers now have almost too many options for promoting their brands. Then again, the fast pace of digital has consumers quickly bored, so innovating new ways to reach your audience is a challenge you must accept. Here's how.
    Engaging Fans In Your Cause: 3 Lessons From Martina McBride's 'Tomatogate'
    Last year, Martina uncovered an unexpected opportunity to engage her fans in her good works, when scandal hit the country music industry. From this experience, we learned several lessons on cause marketing that any musicians can try.
    The Past And Present Importance Of Big Data For Entertainment Marketing
    The convergence of art and science has yielded some of the more interesting innovations of our time. As a brand analyst, I'm fortunate to see on a daily basis how technology is transforming marketing. I was recently reminded of this when reading Powerhouse: The Untold Story of Hollywood's Creative Artists Agency. While the buzz around this book has mostly been about the decaying friendship between CAA co-founders Michael Ovitz and Ron Meyer, there's a more salient storyline hiding in plain sight that reveals why data analytics and insights are massively important to the future of the film industry.
    Seeing The World Through Snapchat's Lenses
    November has shown us the world through some interesting lenses. The Chicago Cubs broke their 108-year-old curse and won the World Series. This week, we elected our 45th President after a campaign season that was anything but traditional. And, as if on cue, to help people see the world in a lens more fitting their desires, Snapchat updated their iOS app with a new filter feature called "World Lenses."
    Hire Power
    The who, how and why of taking on more PR personnel.
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