3 Digital Strategies To Win The Super Bowl, With Any Marketing Budget
    I love the Super Bowl. It's the best day to go skiing ...
    Retargeting Content As The Next Frontier
    From Reddit to BuzzFeed to that new Vine celebrity that Millennials are talking about, a vast amount of the content produced online is designed simply to keep us entertained. But when you're up against "fast" content that offers instant gratification - like #belfies and cats being scared of cucumbers - it can be difficult to draw your audience back in without becoming the brand embodiment of Overly Attached Girlfriend.
    Has CES Become An Auto Show?: Autonomous Driving And Video
    With rumors of a Ford/Google team-up and the show-floor obsessing about what's happening in the auto space, coupled with one headline after another emerging from this year's Consumer Electronics Show - GM investing $500 million in Lyft for a national network of self-driving cars, Google's former head of robotics getting "picked up" by Toyota - the future of autonomous driving is virtually here.
    Entertainment Streaming Picked Up In 2015
    David Bowie is one of my favorite artists. His lyrics, approach to media and entertainment encouraged me to think differently about music and media. I was fascinated at the multiple personas he seemed to effortlessly morph into as he adapted ahead of the landscape, constantly changing his music and media craft. He challenged existing norms over four decades.
    Five New Rules for Entertainment Marketers
    Marketing in today's connected world is a challenge no matter what type of audience your brand is trying to reach. But for entertainment marketers, who are working to reach today's Millennial audiences, this challenge is exceptionally difficult given the ever-changing ways they connect and share what they know and love.
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