Understanding The Data Is The Only Way To Win
    We've been in an age of entertainment overabundance for a while now; an age of choice where non-linear, on-demand consumption across platforms and devices is absolutely the norm. The Internet has meant that content and convenience have become king at the expense of the networks.
    Free Candy Calms Critics
    If you're not pulling at a person's emotions, you're not creating a lasting impression. Unfortunately, the emotion most marketing elicits these days is anger. Here's how to climb over that anger wall.
    Delivering On The Promise Of Branded Entertainment
    Most observers agree that we are past early days and well into a "Golden Era" of brand-supported entertainment. But like any other Golden Era - film, TV, music - being a part of it requires two crucial steps.
    The Antidote To Ad Blocking
    The best antidote to ad blocking is entertainment, even if that piece of entertainment is itself an actual ad, but especially if it's supported by the right type of media buy.
    Brands Show Real-time Video Streaming Not Just A Hobby
    Back in the spring I wrote a post about Periscope and Meerkat, the first real-time video apps that had recently launched and saw hyper user adoption. I was impressed with the 8,000 users that downloaded Meerkat during the initial weekend in the iTunes app store. Since then, I've continued to watch these two apps gaining traction.
    Toys Are Them: TTPM And The Holiday Media Showcase
    It's hard to believe that Christmas is less than 90 days away. For toy marketers, that means the pressure is on to reach as many press as possible about your hot product for the holiday season. You can try calling or emailing them with your pitch-good luck with that. Or you can send the toy unsolicited, but it may just sit there unopened among the dozens of other packages that press start receiving as soon as Labor Day is past.
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