Are You Leveraging Your Best Data?
    Our ability to track user behaviors is drastically improving our ability as marketers to become more refined in how we connect with consumers. As a media agency, we are continuing to shift our focus from buying channels towards optimizing audiences. With this focus, we continue to leverage data to gain an understanding of the right content and message that engages an audience throughout the decision journey. In healthcare, the path to treatment is long and complex. Understanding all of the questions patients have throughout the decision process becomes particularly important for success.
    A Strategy For What's Next
    Our agency's vision for how to achieve success is fairly simple. By helping to connect people to better health outcomes, the companies, that are integral to help make those connections, will succeed.
    3 Things Healthcare Marketers Can Learn From Retail Marketers
    We're in a new era of health consumerism. Patients are making informed decisions about their own health and demanding better access and communication from healthcare providers. While the industry is making strides in providing such communication through technology like patient portals, providing patients with electronic access to their own records, marketing these new achievements to attract patients is still falling short.
    Creativity And Healthcare In The Connected World
    We live in a connected world, which means our healthcare is now connected, too.
    These 7 Questions Can Mean the Difference Between Success Or Failure With Your Patient App
    Pharmaceutical patient apps are a hot topic among brand teams these days. They hold great promise for a brand across the patient journey, from supporting a dialog with physicians to setting treatment expectations to supporting disease or lifestyle management to providing support to maximize adherence.
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