How Chronic Disease Communities Use Social Media
    Like most communities, chronic disease communities utilize social channels in different ways. The main channels for chronic pain communities are Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.
    Small Healthcare Companies Turning To The Power Of Digital
    Consumer health companies are typically faced with limits on their marketing budgets, which in turn stymies their ability to get their messages and their products in front of their target audiences with the frequency and reach needed to drive sales. The competitive consumer healthcare industry requires spending more every year just to retain share of shelf and a meaningful marketing ROI.
    Doing Good Can Also Be Good For Business, Even If The Business Is Healthcare
    I've often wondered why it is that companies of every size and shape, across industries and geographies take pride in differentiating their brands through supporting research on AIDS, breast cancer, and ALS, as well as charitable contributions to children's hospitals, vaccination initiatives, and fighting malaria or tuberculosis. Yet one struggles to find any good examples of pharmaceutical brands-the largest generator of wealth within the healthcare sector-creating cause-based engagement with their customers. And no, spending media dollars on "education" before launching a drug around a disease condition does not qualify as cause-based engagement.
    OLV: Anything But Your TV Spot
    Let's talk OLV. Online video. The star attraction of the internet. The number one reason people go online. A critical tool that healthcare marketers frequently fail to leverage.
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