Millennials Are Redefining How Healthcare Gets Health Done
    Millennials could be the game-changing consumer for healthcare marketing as we know it, in part because Millennial expectations and behaviors don't align with traditional models of healthcare delivery.
    Yes, There Is A 'Wrong' Way To Collaborate
    Although the corporate side of healthcare is slightly less dramatic and exhilarating than the operating rooms you see on "Grey's Anatomy," it's equally satisfying and exciting to collaborate with smart and motivated teams for the good of a health care organization that helps so many patients and their families.
    How To Overcome Consumer Disdain For Intrusive Healthcare Marketing
    Marketers know that they have to cut through noise to reach consumers, but how far is too far? Barraging consumers with intrusive marketing messages can be more damaging to your brand than a lack of awareness. This is particularly true in the healthcare sector, where messages can seem out of place when consumers are not thinking about health. When they are seeking help for an ailment, it is vital to be positioned to hit that need square in the center and deliver solutions to specific pain points.
    You're Fired! Why Retail, Hospitality Marketers Will Replace Healthcare CMOs
    Consumer experience drives business, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry has fallen behind others in delivering these experiences. The truth is, the people that visit Disney World and shop on Travelocity are the same ones using the internet to shop for personal physicians and compare hospitals, just as they do with hotels. Enter the age of "healthcare consumerism," wherein patients have a choice in their healthcare.
    Like This: Media Drive Healthy Conversations
    Celebrities making the headlines isn't always good news, but lately, many stars have gone public about living with chronic conditions and ailments that are often heavy on stigma and light on awareness.
    From Data To Intelligence And Intelligence To Wisdom
    If wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, then the human manifestation of this quality pales in comparison to data-driven wisdom.
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