How Marketers Can Help Bridge The Gap For Parents, Patients, and Caregivers
    Any change can be daunting. But for a pediatric patient with a rare disease who is faced with transitioning into adult care, it can be exponentially more intimidating. While parents have often painstakingly developed a support system over the years of managing their child's care, transition programs that guide young adult patients are scarce. In fact, according to the National Survey of Children with Special Healthcare Needs, more than 50% of the parents reported that no one ever spoke to them about the upcoming need for their child to switch to adult care.
    Where Should Your Value Lie?
    Media agencies have always leveraged scale and buying clout to negotiate savings for clients. This is no longer good enough. Data and targeting capabilities have become more sophisticated, consumers are curating their own content ecosystem, and patients are more empowered.
    The Phone Is Killing Your Sales Pipeline
    Imagine a new prospect calling your medical practice for the first time. If she gets right through to a friendly person who can answer her questions intelligently and put her on the schedule, she probably leaves the conversation with an appointment. If she gets a voicemail message asking her to leave a message, she most likely hangs up and calls another provider.
    Embracing Nimble As A Core Marketing Strategy
    Nimble as cited by the Oxford Dictionary - quick and light in action; agile - or some of my favorite synonyms: quick, graceful, skillful, deft.
    Marketers Can Help Bridge Gap For Parents, Patients, Caregivers
    Any change can be daunting. But for a pediatric patient with a rare disease who is faced with transitioning into adult care, it can be exponentially more intimidating. While parents have often painstakingly developed a support system over the years of managing their child's care, transition programs that guide young adult patients are scarce. In fact, according to the National Survey of Children with Special Healthcare Needs, more than 50% of the parents reported that no one ever spoke to them about the upcoming need for their child to switch to adult care.
    The Backbone of a Social Brand: People and Their Stories
    Why social strategy must be people-poweredIn the age of amplification of social influence through digital channels, brands that remain rooted in the advertising age face an existential threat in the digital age. Social platforms are designed to connect people, not sell products. And brands that embrace people’s stories (not product testimonials) are the ones that successfully drive social engagement. Engaging customers through personal stories and insights from an audience is a way for a brand to behave more like a person—and interact on the basis of ideas and experiences. This mode of being social has the potential to …
    What's Your Story? Emotional Engagement For Better Health Outcomes
    Your story is the narrative of belief you tell yourself, and others. We are constantly creating stories about ourselves. It's so much a part of our lives that pharmaceutical companies tend to use them as their mission statements.
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