Making The Physician-Patient Interaction More Effective
    As our industry continues its march to value-based healthcare, how will success be measured? Beyond script lift and market share, the industry has an opportunity now to come together around a common vision: That the real profit of our efforts is measured in the long-term health of patients.
    4 Best Practices For Healthcare Email Drip Campaigns
    What is a drip campaign? A drip campaign is a series of communications that are delivered to your prospect or customer over a period of time, and has a planned cadence with business rules - but is also based on the recipients' behavior and preferences.
    Partnering Your Way Out Of The Gravitational Pull
    In health, it has always taken partnerships to communicate with and serve an audience in a meaningful way; businesses of all sorts have long been a mash-up of skills in art and a host of sciences. That hasn't changed. Partnerships can often be arrangements of conformity: acquisitions or vendor relationships crafted to help validate the version of the story the entity in the catbird seat has chosen. These only help strengthen the forces governing the gravitational pull of the familiar.
    Could A Tweet Or Post Save Your Life?
    A story I read recently in "The New York Times" by Bruce Feiler ("Whom Do You Tell When You're Sick? Maybe Everyone You Know") has been on my mind for weeks. The piece explored people's ideas about when and how and to whom to disclose their medical conditions, and in it, neuropsychologist and A.L.S. specialist Paul Wicks of Patients Like Me, an online support network with more than half a million members, said, "The value of a tweet-length piece of information can be the difference between life and death."
    Connected Caring
    A little over a year ago, we were challenged to present an idea on how to launch a health-tech device in an already cluttered and rapidly growing marketplace. This opportunity forced us to get under the hood and think differently about one of the most complex problems in health care today: compliance and adherence to medication.
    The Need For A Holistic And Custom-built CRM In Health Care
    From retail to banking to hospitality, progressive industries are embracing advanced customer relationship (CRM) technologies to create positive and personalized experiences for consumers. Due to its overwhelming success, particularly in recent years, the CRM industry is booming with no sign of slowing down. In fact, according to Gartner, the CRM software market is expected to reach $36.5 billion this year, up from $26.3 billion in 2015.
    Meeting Dr. Friendly
    Right off, let's assume the best of all possible worlds for pharma marketers. Let's posit the existence of the totally available physician. What would that look like?
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