Are You Compromising Your Social Media Program? Common Travel Brand Mistakes
    Social media has given consumers a more intimate and direct opportunity to engage with your travel brand, but users' expectations of your offerings and service levels are now higher than ever. And, as many hotels, attractions and destinations hurry to catch up with new communication platforms, they're making costly social media blunders and missing the opportunity to impact lifelong brand affinity and purchase behavior.
    Travel Hits The Runway
    Fashion is becoming as associated with travel as food. The connection is not new - witness fashion shoots in travel magazines and, conversely, the big deal about where "Sports Illustrated"'s annual swimsuit issue is located (of course, that depends on whether you consider that fashion.)
    Mobile Marketing Freeze Tag
    One of the great parts of being a parent is that your children reacquaint you with the games of your youth. Recently, this happened to me at our block party when my kids joined an impromptu game of Freeze Tag on a neighbor's lawn. You remember Freeze Tag, right? Avoid the touch of the kid who's "It" or find yourself frozen in place until another competitor taps you back to life. Yes, the punishment in this game is that you're immobilized while everyone around you runs around, free as the breeze.
    Tweens Define Another Segment Of Family Travel
    Often overlooked, this audience presents unique challenges and opportunities.
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