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Tom Siebert has spun PR narratives for three of the industry's largest holding companies' top agencies, won awards for his reporting and film criticism, created Discovery Channel's "Shark Week," and thinks 33% of conspiracy theories are true. Tweet your love and hate: @TomSiebert

Articles by Tom All articles by Tom

  • String Theories: Alex Jones And The 'Conspiracy Theorist' Smear in MediaDailyNews on 04/30/2018

    The moment somebody tells the media emphatically what's not happening -- "I am not a crook," "There is no improper relationship," "It was not a missile" -- there is a very good chance that's exactly what's happening.

  • String Theories: Tucker Carlson And The Unspeakable in MediaDailyNews on 04/23/2018

    Last week, after a series of controversial prime-time episodes about Syria on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," the host was M.I.A. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. And nobody said a word.

  • String Theories: Syrian Russian Roulette in MediaDailyNews on 04/16/2018

    This latest alleged chemical attack in Syria is either a fiction, a "false flag" or the greatest military strategic blunder since George W. Bush and his collection of warmongering ghouls used the 9/11 attacks as a pretext to attack Iraq.

  • String Theories, Part II: The Nation Is Open To Blackmail in MediaDailyNews on 04/10/2018

    The NSA is not omnipotent in the cyber world. There are just too many people to keep up with. But at the same time, they can get any information they want, if they want. Remember: every single digital thing you've done can be exposed.

  • String Theories, Part. I: Everything You Do Is Being Collected in MediaDailyNews on 04/09/2018

    The intelligence system in the U.S. is compartmentalized and extremely competitive. It's hard to piece certain things together, and it's designed to keep the information from being released to the public. Almost everything we do is collected. Doesn't matter what country you're in, says a former government official.

  • String Theories: How Dangerous Is Our Wireless Lifestyle? in MediaDailyNews on 04/02/2018

    Is wireless communication going to kill a ton of us? Not right away -- more like in the next generation or two. The way smoking caught up with a portion of society after it heard several decades of dis/misinformation that cigarettes were A-OK for your health.

  • String Theories: How Many People Run The World? in MediaDailyNews on 03/26/2018

    The preferred term for this so-called elite crew of world shapers is "Superclass." These are the people really running the show. Not the "puppet" politicians, but people with so much money and multigenerational influence, they can keep us from knowing how much money and multigenerational influence they actually have.

  • String Theories: Saudi Game Of Thrones in MediaDailyNews on 03/19/2018

    Did the young Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman clean up corruption by arresting his nation's most powerful people last November? Or was it a ruthless power grab by an ambitious young prince who symbolically decapitated all his enemies in one felled swoop, like a Muslim Michael Corleone in an Arab remake of the legendary final sequence of "The Godfather"?

  • String Theories: Snopes For Dopes in MediaDailyNews on 03/12/2018

    There are no superheroes in real life, and the best we've got for watchmen in the war on so-called "fake news" is Snopes. People still seem to believe in Snopes. I have no idea why.

  • String Theories: False 'False Flags,' Florida Fishiness in MediaDailyNews on 03/05/2018

    How responsible is it for media to be thrusting the Parkland, Florida kids into the spotlight after such a traumatic event? There is also no shortage of loose ends, unsettling interviews and shady subplots to the Florida shooting that nobody in the mainstream media is pursuing.

Comments by Tom All comments by Tom

  • Advertising Activism Has Impact by Steven Rosenbaum (Media Insider on 01/07/2019)

    Pretty funny you call Tom T., above, a talking point hack, becuase that's EXACTLY what your piece is, Steve, as well as your condescending followup comment.  It's a hit job from a hack. Could've been written verbatim from the COWARDS and FRAUDS at Sleeping Giants, in fact.Maybe you can help me, though? I've been trying to track down that coward and fraud MATT RIVITZ of Sleeping Giants since he blocked me on Twitter and LinkedIn. I want to ask him about Sleeping Giants relationship with Buzzfeed and a bunch of things that went down last Friday.MATT RIVITZ of Sleeping Giants doesn't want to talk to me about that, though, and has blocked me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. You know what they say about cockroaches when the light starts to get focused on them! They run and hide! But I don't give up that easily. Meanwhile, if anybody who wants the real scoop on what type of fear-mongering bullies and fascists Sleeping Giants and MATT RIVITZ really are should check out this Real Clear Politics story: I'm figuring you've got a way to get in touch with MATT RIVITZ of Sleeping Giants, since you seem to be such a big fan, Steve. Will you hook me up please? I really think it would be better to debate these things out in the open instead of sniping from the shadows and getting pawns and puppets to carry their dirty water. Thanks!

  • The Strange Polarity Of Facebook's Moral Compass by Gord Hotchkiss (Media Insider on 01/08/2019)

    Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at HarvardZuck: Just askZuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS[REDACTED FRIEND]: What? How'd you manage that one?Zuck: People just submitted it.Zuck: I don't know why.Zuck: They "trust me"Zuck: Dumb fucks ----  Instant messages sent by Zuckerberg during Facebook's early days, as reported by Business Insider (May 13, 2010) But it's okay. I'm sure that as Zuckerberg became wealthy and powerful beyond his wildest imagination, he also became more benevolent and trustworthy. /s 

  • Editor Calls For Boycott On Fox News Advertisers Who 'Bankroll The Poison' by Joe Mandese (Marketing Politics Weekly on 10/30/2018)

    The FT lost all credibility when they plastered that ridiculous front page story about Gareth Williams, the MI6 spy, "committing suicide" by somehow zipping himself up inside a locked travel bag and drowning himself in a bathtub. If Luce is talking like this you can bet some intelligence puppeteer is pulling his strings. 

  • ABC Orders 'Conners' Spinoff Without Roseanne by Fern Siegel (Television News Daily on 06/22/2018)

    No surprise. Even as Barr was imploding, reports claimed the cast was under contract for another season, and they would have to be paid whether there was a show or not. "The Conners" will come back for its 10 episode run, do lousy, Game Over, the circus will move on. There was a fascinating post about all this involving some weird voodoo sh!t in New Orleans on CDAN a while back, but I can't find it. 

  • Study: Want To Enhance TV Viewing Time? Consider Cannabis by Wayne Friedman (TV Watch on 06/14/2018)

    Cheetos and Doritos are in favor of this approach as well. If only that Netflix show with Kathy Bates had been better! 

  • Disney Must Ponder If The Dismal 'Solo' Debut Is A Stand-alone Falter by Thom Forbes (Marketing Daily - Top of the News on 05/29/2018)

    "The Last Jedi" turned a lot of people off. It seems nobody in media wants to write that, but it's the case. If you read the diehard fans commenting on Reddit and many entertainment news sites, they're not going in order to send a message to Disney.  As bad as the US results were, it's the overseas box office that was the real disaster. Disney might be able to win the US market back, but as a global powerhouse "Star Wars" is done.  Disney tried to broaden the audience base, but instead lost their core--the diehards and teen boys. After the past couple movies, my son had zero interest in "Star Wars," and neither did any of his friends.  It's too bad, because "Solo" is actually a pretty good "teen boys" kind of movie. But you got to think Disney is going to be sweating it on Episode 9. The worm has turned, and all the media spin and halfway-there analysis isn't going to change the reality of filmgoers perceptions of what the franchise has become.   

  • Cancelled Shows Are Conveniently Forgotten During Upfront Week by Adam Buckman (TVBlog on 05/18/2018)

    I'm amazed by how many of these shows I've never heard of. Not once, however, did I think "Gee, I wish I'd see that."  Of all the TV series to revive, I'd've put "Murphy Brown" on the lower half of the docket, that's for sure. I about "Firefly," right? 

  • String Theories: Syrian Russian Roulette by Tom Siebert (MediaDailyNews on 04/16/2018)

    Paula, I see just as many supporters on the left who are not questioning the motives and facts behind the attack, and seem hell-bent on supporting perpetual war. Framing this as a politcally partisan battle is not corect. It's also counter-productive, when the most outspoken journalist challenging the establishment narrative is on Fox News. 

  • 'Raw Story' Acquires 'AlterNet' To Assuage Lost Facebook Traffic by Melynda Fuller (Publishing Insider on 04/11/2018)

    AlterNet is so much better than Raw Story! This is quite unpleasant news. 

  • WPP Turmoil May Put Kantar Into Play, Nielsen Most Likely Suitor by Joe Mandese (Research Intelligencer on 04/05/2018)

    Ha! A quick search shows there's website devoted to companies Google's acquired only to shut down them down:

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